

2017-04-16    05'22''

主播: 水木清华studio

168 1

I'm not satisfied with it. A:It's done. What do you think of it?   弄完了,您觉得怎么样? B:Yikes!I told you to trim only a little. I wanted shoulder-length hair for my wedding day! You cut it as short as it can possibly be!   天我不是告诉你留长一点吗,我本来打算到婚礼那天可以留披肩发的!现在让你剪得不能再短了! A:Sorry,but you just told me make it look pretty. Don't you think it is pretty?   不好意思,可是您只是说让我剪得漂亮点儿,您觉得这样不漂亮吗? B:Not at all. I'm not satisfied with it.   一点儿也不漂亮。我不满意。 A:Well,maybe I can give you a discount.   要不,我给你打个折扣吧。 B:Listen,I won't pay you a penny. It's awful!   听好了,我一分钱都不会付给你的,你剪得太糟糕了!