

2017-04-18    05'42''

主播: 水木清华studio

142 2

How much is a crew cut? A:How much is a crew cut?   理个平头多少钱? B:It's 20 yuan. Why don't you try another hairstyle ?   20块钱。您为什么不尝试一下新发型呢? A:I'm not particular about my hairstyle. I just want it to be clean.   我对发型不讲究,干净整洁就可以了。 B:I think you'll look younger with a different style. How about trying hair coloring?   我觉得您要是换个发型会看起来年轻一些。做个染 发怎么样? A:Are you kidding me? I'm fifty. No means no.   你开什么玩笑?我都五十岁了。我说不弄就不弄。 B:Okay, a crew cut it is.   好吧,平头就平头吧。