

2017-04-28    05'08''

主播: 水木清华studio

149 3

A:Honey,I want to travel to Australia for vacation. What do you think?   亲爱的,我想这个假期去澳大利亚旅游。你觉得怎么样? B:Sounds great. But that’ll cost an arm and a leg.   听起来是不错,但是得花好多钱啊。 A:You value money too much. We can earn it back anyway.   你把钱看得太重了,我们将来可以赚回来的嘛。 B:But you know we need to save for the future. What if we have a baby?   但是你要知道,我们得为以后存些钱了,万一我们有了孩子呢? A:Talking about a baby again! We can't worry all the time about some far-away things!   又是孩子!我们不能时刻为那些遥远的事情担心! B:If you say so. (好吧)既然你这么说。