

2017-04-29    05'01''

主播: 水木清华studio

178 2

I want to send 1,000 RMB to this account. A:May I help you?   有什么需要帮助的? B:I want to send 1,000 RMB to this account.   我想给这个帐户汇1000块钱钱 A:Then please fill out this form first   那您先把这张表填上吧。 B:OK What do I put for the recipient?   那我在收款人这一栏要填什么呢? A:The name of that account's owner. You must write it completely and clearly.   就填那个帐户所有者的名字,你要完整清楚地填好。 B: Okay, here you are.   好的,给您吧。