

2017-05-16    06'15''

主播: 水木清华studio

89 0

My mailbox is full of spam. A:Geez,my mailbox is full of spam. 老天啊,我邮箱里塞满了垃圾邮件。 B:Calm down My computer crashed again when I logged into my foxmail. 冷静点。当我打开foxmail收邮件的时候电脑突然又死机了。 A:It might have been infected with a virus You know,unknown emails can carry viruses. 可能被病毒感染了。一些不知道来由的邮件可能会携带病毒。 B:Yeah But mine was infected by an attachment. 是啊。我的是被一个附件感染的。 A:Try Kaspersky anti-virus software. 可以试一试卡帕斯基杀毒软件。 B:Good call 好主意。