

2017-10-18    05'25''

主播: 水木清华studio

158 2

How was your first day? A:Hi, jane .How was your first day? 你好,珍,第一天上班怎么样? B:Quite good The colleagues are very kind. 非常好,同事们都很和善。 A How was the task assigned to you? 分给你的任务怎么样? B:It was a little difficult since I have no experience in marketing. 有点难,我没有营销方面的经验。 A Actually the job is not as hard as you think 其实这份工作没有你想象的那么难。 B :I'm a good learner,so I believe after a month I'll be able to handle any task. 我善于学习,所以我相信在一个月之后我就能处理各种任务。