

2017-12-21    05'40''

主播: 水木清华studio

274 2

I couldn't agree with you more. A:As far as I can see, we'd been attaching too much importance to the urban market. 依我看来,我们太过于注重城镇市场了。 B:Excuse me, I didn't catch you. Could you repeat that? 不好意思,我刚才没听清。能再说一遍吗? A:I just said that we've been focusing too much on the urban customers. 我说我们太过于注重城镇客户了。 B:I couldn't agree with you more 我非常同意。 A:Rural customers want to feel just as important as those in urban areas. 乡村客户希望得到与城镇客户一样的重视。 B:Yes.We should consider more about the rural sales. 是的,我们应当多考虑一下在乡村的销量。