

2018-01-14    06'10''

主播: 水木清华studio

248 2

As you can see in the charts and graphs... A:As you can see in the charts and graphs. 根据图表我们可以看出…… B:Oh! I've seen enough charts to last me a lifetime. 哦!我一辈子都不想看图表了。 A:This slide shows our profits were up last quarter, which means we can make money if we act quickly. 这张幻灯片显示我们上一季度的利润是上升的,也就是说,只要我们出手迅速,是可以赚到钱的。 B:Now we are getting somewhere. 我们终于有进展了。 A:And that leads me to my second point, how can we act more quickly 那就带出了我的第二点,怎样出手更快。 B:I'm interested in that point 我对这点很感兴趣。