

2018-02-21    05'10''

主播: 水木清华studio

97 0

What's the weather like here in the summer? A: What's the weather like here in the summer?   在你们城市,夏天天气如何呀? B:It's pretty hot here in the summer.   夏天的时候会非常热。 A:Hotter than now?I almost can't bear this.   比现在还热吗?我已经快受不了了。 B:Maybe today is the hottest day.   可能今天算是最热的了。 A:I want to know what's the weather going to be like tomorrow.   我很想知道明天的天气怎么样。 B OK let's watch the weather channel later.   好的,我们一会儿可以关注一下天气预报频道。