Rock 'n' Roll(Black Box Recorder)

Rock 'n' Roll(Black Box Recorder)

2019-08-09    03'07''

主播: 多穿几双鞋

2904 22

Time takes a cigarette, puts it in yourmouth 时间点燃一支烟将它塞进你嘴里 You pull on your finger, then another finger, then cigarette 你拈起两指开始一阵猛吸 The wall to wall is calling, it lingers, thenyou forget 墙与墙之间只余回荡的呼唤你渐渐忘却自我 Oh oh oh, you're a rock 'n roll suicide噢噢噢你是一个摇滚自杀者 You're too old to lose it, too young to choose it 而今你太老而难以割舍当年你太年轻却难And the clock waits so patiently on yoursong 时钟耐心地等待着你一曲终了 You walk past a cafe, but you don't eatwhen you've lived too long 你路过咖啡馆却因年岁已高茶饭不思 Oh, no no no, you're a rock 'n roll suicide噢不不不你是一个摇滚自杀者 Chev brakes are snarling as you stumbleacross the road 当你无意途径此路雪佛兰的刹车声像野兽般嚎叫不已 But the day breaks instead so you hurryhome 但天将破晓你不得不匆忙回家 Don't let the sun blast your shadow, don't别让太阳焚毁你的影子别让送奶车从你心口碾过 So natural religiously unkind 举止尽量自然虔诚冷若冰霜 Oh no love you're not alone, you're watching yourself but you're too unfair噢不吾爱你不是一个人你总是患得患失却失之偏颇 You've got your head all tangled but if lcould only make you care 你脑中纷乱如麻但我只愿博得你的垂怜Oh no love you're not alone no matterwhat or who you've been 噢不吾爱你不是一个人无论你是谁做过什么 No matter when or where you've seen,, 无论你在何时何地目击一切纷纷刀剑直指你的人头 I've had my share, I'll help you with thepain. 我会和你分担帮你分担痛苦 You're not alone, just turn on with me,you're not alone, 你不是一个人和我携手并进吧你不是一个人! let's turn on and be 让我们并肩作战吧 not alone (wonderful), gimme your hands, you're wonderful (wonderful), gimme your hands 不再孤独(棒极了)把手给我你简直棒极了(棒极了)把手给我 You're wonderful (wonderful), gimme your hands 你简直棒极了(棒极了)把手给我