The Mysterious Benedict Society1-1-24.26

The Mysterious Benedict Society1-1-24.26

2017-06-16    01'29''

主播: 新XIN越YUE

258 2

“When Reynie returned Miss Perumal told him that she had a long errand to run. Her mother had been prescribed new medicine and a special diet, and Miss Perumal must go shopping for her. So it was agreed that she would take him to the test and pick him up when it was over. After a light breakfast (neither of them wanted more than toast), yet well before anyone else in the orphanage had risen, Miss Perumal drove him across the sleepy city to an office building near Stonetown Bay. A line of children already stood at the door, all of them accompanied by their parents, all fidgeting nervously. When Miss Perumal moved to get out of the car, Reynie said, “I thought you were dropping me off.” “You don’t think I would just leave you here without investigating first, do you?” replied Miss Perumal. “The notice didn’t even list a telephone number for questions. It’s a bit “out of the ordinary, don’t you think?” 摘录来自: Trenton Lee Stewart. “The Mysterious Benedict Society”。 iBooks.