The Mysterious Benedict Society1-1-29-34

The Mysterious Benedict Society1-1-29-34

2017-06-20    01'30''

主播: 新XIN越YUE

168 3

“Very well,” said Miss Perumal when she returned, “everything is set. You may call me on their telephone when you’ve finished the test. Here is the number. If I’m not back by then, simply call a taxi and Mr. Rutger will pay the fare. You can tell me all about it this afternoon.” “Thanks so much for everything, Miss Perumal,” said Reynie, earnestly taking her hand. “Oh, Reynie, you silly child, don’t look so grateful,” said Miss Perumal. To Reynie’s surprise, there were tears on her cheeks. “It’s nothing at all. Now give your poor tutor a hug. I imagine my services won’t be needed after this.” “I haven’t passed it yet, Miss Perumal!” “Oh, stop being silly,” she said, and after squeezing him tightly, Miss Perumal dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief, walked determinedly to her car, and drove away just as the children were ushered into the building.” 摘录来自: Trenton Lee Stewart. “The Mysterious Benedict Society”。 iBooks.