

2017-05-01    02'41''

主播: 新XIN越YUE

726 39

Day71. People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into powder and then adding water. 
史前的人们制造颜料是将植物和泥土磨成粉末,然后加水。 Prehistoric 美 [ˌpri:hɪˈstɔ:rɪk] adj.史前的;陈旧的 Pre-graduation; prepare, present, preface Post-graduation He has a collection of prehistoric insects preserved in amber. 他收集有保存在琥珀中的史前昆虫。 We took a special trip to see Stonehenge [ˌstoʊnˈhendʒ], a prehistoric monument of great antiquity. 我们专程去看了巨石阵,那是年代久远的史前遗迹。