

2017-05-23    03'07''

主播: 新XIN越YUE

761 31

Day93. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. 我们可能被昆虫害得无法在地球上生活,他们不光会毁掉庄稼作物,还会灭掉所有飞禽走兽,幸好还有吃昆虫的动物的存在阻止这一切发生。 Devour 美 [dɪˈvaʊr] vt.狼吞虎咽地吃光;吞没,毁灭; She devoured half an apple pie. 她狼吞虎咽地吃下了半个苹果派。 Larger fish devour the smaller ones. 大鱼吃小鱼。 Flocks 美 [flɑ:k] n.兽群,鸟群;群众;棉束;大堆,大量 vi.群集,成群结队而行 Bird flock 鸟群 They kept a small flock of sheep 他们养了一小群羊。 The public have flocked to the show 公众蜂拥而至观看演出。 Herd 美 [hɜ:rd] n.牧群;兽群;放牧人;群众,民众;v 群集,纠结,放牧; He began to herd the prisoners out 他开始将犯人集中在一起赶出来。 Predators were a threat to the herd. 食肉动物对牧群是个威胁。 You separate the prey from the herd. 把猎物从兽群里分离开来。