this week | 8月的军训 12月的苹果

this week | 8月的军训 12月的苹果

2021-01-11    10'20''

主播: 南传之声广播台

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A: Hello. Welcome to enter This Week, all members of this programme will send the best wishes to you, we expect that you will be happy on Wednesday and have a good time. B: Hi. There we will talk about something we are interested in, share recent news and listen free music, What’s more, many pieces of humors will make you happy!欢迎大家准时收听我们每周三的This Week! A: I don't know if you've noticed, but our school is really full of students with military uniform. B: Yes, of course I know. On Aug 28th, we stepped into CUCN and got into a brand-new stage of our lives. The first event that we face was military training. A: Yes ,that is real .Freshmen have military training for a month from the beginning of the first term .But because of many things ,so military training for the class of 2019 has been postponed. B:Some time ago I saw some texts on our school’s public account, Some articles described the military training process in detail, and also left many impressive photos. A: Yeah, But do you know what things are the most memorable for me? B: Let me guess, emmm, is stand a pose of soldier? A: Ha-ha ,for me is the captain sings .It is very well, and there is more than a dozen night camp dolls sit together singing. But to be honest, the military when in military training to our demands are high. B:Yes! As for me, my face is browned by the sun, and my classmates seems thinner than before. So the ten days training is really practical. A: Actually , As a matter of fact, military training plays the important role in helping students adapt to the new environment. B:I do think so .That is why every year, when September comes, the first lesson for Chinese students is to get the military training, which has become the tradition for freshmen. A: Some people question about the necessity of these training. But there are many things they don’t know ,going through the military training, we learned to be quiet, to think, to be calm and peaceful. B: The point of MT is not merely in the training, but also in its profound impact: to foster us the spirit to bear hardships and hard work, on which we will rely in the three years' time of study in CUCN. A: Yes, I know it! Moreover, the purpose of military training is to not only be trained like a soldier, but also to learn to be patient, insistent, share happiness and pain and change to any environment. B: Can’t argee more! After listen to our program, do you have a nice day? A:Alright ,that’s all for our English part ,thanks for your listening. 今天的这部分内容你学会了吗? B:话不多说,让我们听着好听的音乐一起进入下一个部分吧! A:¡Hola! Esta es la Rincón Español, una programa que prestamos atención a palabras, expresión y culturas que eres posible no conoces en tu estudio de español. B:This Week和大家一起学习在外语中的词汇,表达和文化方面的知识。节目中介绍的内容会让你的外语学习更加深入,更加地道。今天是12月23号,在本周三,也就是12月25号,我们就要迎来圣诞节啦。 A:对啊,在西班牙的传统上来说,圣诞是围绕着基督诞生的故事而举行的宗教节日。为了庆祝圣诞节,西班牙人通常会用一系列充满色彩的装饰品来装饰自己的家。所以今天的节目我们就学习一些关于圣诞的西语单词吧~ B:首先,我想大家肯定都想知道怎么用西语说“圣诞快乐”,其实很简单,那就是“feliz navidad”,我们把这个单词拆分一下,feliz是幸福快乐的意思,navidad是圣诞节的意思,合在一起就是圣诞快乐的意思啦!那么feliz navidad圣诞快乐这个词组,你get到了吗? A:接下来我们会学到一些和圣诞有关的词汇。首先就是家家户户都会有的圣诞树啦,也就是árbol de navidad,我们把它拆分一下,显而易见,árbol就是树木的意思。那么圣诞树上都会有些圣诞袜,那也就是medias de navidad,在圣诞袜子里会有各种各样的礼物,礼物这个单词是aguinaldo ,你都学会了吗? B:我就想问问你,¿Qué te regalaron para Navidad?你今年圣诞都收到了什么礼物呢? 还要啊,我要补充一下啊,圣诞袜中的medias de navidad,中的medi,除了表示袜子,更多用来表示平均的,中间的,相当于英语中的average。 A:在圣诞节孩子们都很期待能够看到圣诞老人,也就是Papá Noel ,圣诞老人会骑着ciervo来到西班牙的家家户户,所以ciervo就是麋鹿的意思啦。 B:有时候圣诞老人还会唱着圣诞颂歌,那么圣诞颂歌要怎么说呢,那也就是villancico navideño 。Santa Claus cantará villancicos, traerá regalos y pondrá manzanas en tus medias de Navidad. 这句话的意思就是,圣诞老人会唱着圣诞颂歌,带着礼物,把苹果放进你的圣诞袜里。大家学会了之后也要学以致用噢。 A:在西班牙过圣诞节,不得不提的就是买彩票了。当地的西班牙人几乎都会参加,并且根据官方统计,每3名西班牙人之中就有1人购买此项被认为是世界最大规模的彩票,在每年的12月22日开奖。因此西班牙的圣诞节也就是从这一天开始有气氛。所以,我们要掌握彩票这个单词,也就是 lotería 。 B:El 22 de diciembre, día del sorteo de la lotería de Navidad, casi todos los españoles se reúnen y, cada vez que se concede el premio, la gente se reúne con entusiasmo en la calle para celebrarlo. 每到开奖时刻,总有人们兴奋地聚集到街上庆祝。 A:其实还要很多常用的单词,比如说cascabel ,也就是铃铛;cava ,也就是西班牙的气泡香槟;linterna,灯笼;以及vela,蜡烛等等,在下一期节目中,我们会再次提起噢。最后呢,在这里,我们代表全体节目组提前祝大家圣诞快乐~ B:Feliz Navidad!圣诞快乐噢,Eso es todo en el programa de hoy,今天的内容你学会了吗?