State of Mind     by Walter d. wintle

State of Mind by Walter d. wintle

2020-03-12    01'32''

主播: redredrose

386 3

一起来听这首诗吧! State of mind 心境 Walter d. wintle -华特·温特尔 you think you are beaten, you are如果你觉得你被打败,你就是被打败;you think you dare not, you dont如果你觉得你不敢,你就是不敢!If you like to win, but you think you cant 如果你想要赢,但觉得你不行, It's almost a cinch you wont 几乎可以肯定你将不行。 If you think you'll lose, you've lost如果你觉得你将失败,你已失败,For out in this world we find 因为我们发现在世界上, Success begins with a fellow's will成功从一个人的意志开始。 It's all in the state of mind 这全都是内心的状态 If you think you are outclassed, you are 如果你觉得你被比下去,你就是被比下 去; You've got to think high to rise你得想得高一些才可以提升。You've got to be sure of yourself before 你得先对自己有把握 You can ever win a prize才有可能赢得奖品。 Life's battles don't always go人生的战斗不是永远倒向To the stronger or faster man 比较强壮或快速的人 But soon or late the man who wins 但迟早要胜利的人 Is the man who thinks he can! 是相信他能胜利的人!