

2018-03-12    04'57''

主播: Funtalking

243 2

stop in the street 拦街 "I was stopped in the street by a man..." 我在街上被一个男人拦住... pursuade you 说服你 coax you 哄骗你 flyer n. 传单 give out flyers 发传单 take a flyer 拿一份传单 accept a flyer/reject a flyer 接收传单/拒绝传单 toss away (a flyer) 扔掉(传单) gym n. 健身房 hairdressers n. 理发师(复数) "They may try to drag you to their store." 他们会把你拉进店里。 avoid v. 避免 walk around them 绕着他们走 "Always wear earphones, no one will disturb you." 一直戴着耳机,就没有人骚扰你了。 "Pretend to be on the phone." 假装在打电话。