

2023-08-27    00'54''

主播: 漠燕飞雪

229 4

Dear Uncle, Spring has come and gone and now it is summer. 亲爱的叔叔,春来春去,现在是夏天 了。 The house is quiet because Mr.Beethoven has gone to Baden. 家里现在很安静,因为贝多芬先生去了巴登。 He's gone to find a house where he will spend the hottest months. 他去那边找房子,他将在那里度过最热的月份。 He said he will be back tomorrow before lunch.他说会在明天午餐前回来。 Tonight, as I write you, it is evening but, of course,I cannot sleep. 现在,我给你写信的时候是晚上了,但是,当然,我睡不着。 From my room, I can hear Mother, playing as she used to when I was small. 我在房间里,能够听见妈妈在弹钢琴,就像我小时那样。 I have been lying here thinking about something Mr. Schindler said. 我现在躺着,在想Schindler先生说过的一些东西。 He said,"Mr. Beethoven works so hard, because he believes that music can change the world." 他说,“贝多芬先生如此努力地作,是因为它相信音乐能够改变这个世界。”