clean up

clean up

2016-12-28    04'35''

主播: yoyo& pony

170 9

Clean Up Clean up, clean up.Everybody let's clean up. Clean up, clean up.Put your things away.(four times) Clean up! Clean up! Clean up! Put your things away. Pick up your toys. Pick up your books. Pick up your shoes.?Put your things away. Clean up, clean up. Everybody let's clean up. Clean up, clean up. Put your things away. Mom: You should clean up after you play, Leo. Kid: I'll clean up right now. 妈妈:Leo, 玩完游戏要把东西整理好。 孩子:我马上就整理。 Mom: Please pick up the blocks and the other toys. Mom: Put the books back on the shelves. 妈妈:请把积木和其他玩具都捡起来。 妈妈:把那些书放回书架上。 Kid: Where should these toys go? Mom: Put them in the toy box. 孩子:这些玩具要放在哪里? 妈妈:把它们放到玩具箱里。 Mom: Wow! You cleaned up so nicely. Mom: Mommy feels so happy because you're helping me. 妈妈:哇,你收拾得真干净。 妈妈:妈妈很高兴,因为你帮了我。
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