【Sherry读绘本】My Dad我爸爸

【Sherry读绘本】My Dad我爸爸

2016-12-12    03'04''

主播: 金宝贝Sherry伴你育儿

16283 205

这里有育儿知识、绘本故事、好听的童谣,欢迎添加Sherry老师的微信和公众号,让我成为你成长的伙伴! 微信号: Sherrykid1 微信公众号: Sherry伴你育儿 He’s all right, my dad. 这是我爸爸,他真的很棒! My dad isn’t afraid of ANYTHING. 我爸爸什么都不怕 even the Big Bad Wolf. 连坏蛋大野狼也不怕。 He can jump right over the moon, 他可以从月亮上跳过去。 And walk on a tightrope (without falling off). 还会走高空绳索(不会掉下去) He can wrestle with giants. 他敢跟大力士摔跤 or win the father’s race on sports day, easily. 在运动会比赛中,轻轻松松就获得了第一名。 He’s all right, my dad. 我爸爸真的很棒! My dad can eat like a horse, 我爸爸吃得像马一样多 and he can swim like a fish. 我爸爸游得和鱼一样快。 He’s as strong as a gorilla, 他像大猩猩一样强壮。 And as happy as a hippopotamus. 也像河马一样快乐 He’s all right, my dad. 我爸爸真的很棒! My dad’s as big as a house, 我爸爸像房子一样高大 and as soft as my teddy. 有时又像泰迪熊一样柔软 He’s as wise as an owl, 他像猫头鹰一样聪明。 and as daft as a brush. 有时又会做一些傻事。 He’s all right, my dad. 我爸爸真的很棒! My dad’s a great dancer, 我爸爸是个伟大的舞蹈家。 and a brilliant singer. 也是个了不起的歌唱家。 he’s fantastic at soccer, 他踢足球的技术一流。 and he makes me laugh. A lot. 也常常逗得我哈哈大笑。 I love my dad. 我爱他 And you know what? 而且你知道吗? HE LOVES ME!(and he always will.) 他也爱我(永远爱我)!