Ten fat sausages sizzling in the pan,
One went Pop, and the other went Bang!
Lots of(许多) Hot Dogs here
Eight fat sausages sizzling in the pan,
One went Pop, and the other went Bang!
Plenty of(不少) Hot Dogs here
Six fat sausages sizzling in the pan,
One went Pop, and the other went Bang!
Some(一些) Hot Dogs still left
Four fat sausages sizzling in the pan,
One went Pop, and the other went Bang!
Last few(最后一些) Hot Dogs
Two fat sausages sizzling in the pan,
One went Pop, and the other went Bang!
Just a couple of(三两个) Hot Dogs here!
No fat sausages sizzling in the pan,
None went Pop, and none went Bang
No more(不再有) Hot Dogs left!
All gone!(全部卖完了!)