【Sherry唱童谣】The Farmer in the Dell

【Sherry唱童谣】The Farmer in the Dell

2017-07-12    03'38''

主播: 金宝贝Sherry伴你育儿

5293 108

欢迎关注微信公众号“Sherry伴你育儿” 添加Sherry老师微信:Sherrykid1,加入育儿交流群一起学习! 欢迎访问Sherry老师的进口正版英文童书馆:Sherry.baobaobooks.com The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell. Hi-ho, the derry-o,(语气词) the farmer in the dell. 农夫在山谷里 The farmer takes the wife, the farmer takes the wife. Hi-ho, the derry-o, The farmer takes the wife. 农夫娶了一位妻子 The wife takes the child, the wife takes the child. Hi-ho, the derry-o, The wife takes the child. 妻子带着一个小孩 The child takes the nurse, the child takes the nurse. Hi-ho, the derry-o, The child takes the nurse. 小孩带了一位保姆 The nurse takes the dog, the nurse takes the dog. Hi-ho, the derry-o, the nurse takes the dog. 保姆带了一只狗狗 The dog takes the cat, the dog takes the cat. Hi-ho, the derry-o, the dog takes the cat. 小狗带了一只小猫 The cat takes the rat, the cat takes the rat. Hi-ho, the derry-o, the cat takes the rat. 小猫带了一只老鼠 The rat takes the cheese, the rat takes the cheese. Hi-ho, the derry-o, the rat takes the cheese. 老鼠来了一片奶酪 The cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone. Hi-ho, the derry-o, the cheese stands alone. 奶酪孤零零的在那里