【Sherry唱童谣】It's a Small World 小小世界

【Sherry唱童谣】It's a Small World 小小世界

2017-11-22    05'02''

主播: 金宝贝Sherry伴你育儿

6053 146

欢迎关注微信公众号“Sherry伴你育儿” 添加Sherry老师微信:Sherrykid1,加入育儿交流群一起学习! 欢迎访问Sherry老师的进口正版英文童书馆:Sherry.baobaobooks.com It's a world of laughter, a world of tears It's a world of hopes and world of fears There's so much that we share That it's time We're aware It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small, small world There is just one moon and one golden sun And a smile means friendship to everyone Though the mountains divide And The oceans are wide It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small, small world