【音乐课】Europe 欧洲

【音乐课】Europe 欧洲

2017-12-13    10'50''

主播: 金宝贝Sherry伴你育儿

16547 573

欢迎关注微信公众号“Sherry伴你育儿” 添加Sherry老师微信:Sherrykid1,加入育儿交流群一起学习! 欢迎访问Sherry老师的进口正版英文童书馆:Sherry.baobaobooks.com 1. Vil Du【丹麦】 Vil du, vil du. Vil du vil du vil du. Vil du be my echo friend. 你愿意吗 你愿意吗 你愿意吗你愿意吗你愿意吗 愿意做我的朋友吗? 2. Sarasponda 【荷兰】 Sara-sponda Sara-sponda Sara-sponda ret-set-set Sara-sponda Sara-sponda Sara-sponda ret-set-set Ah, do-ray-o, ado-ray-boom-day-o Ah do ray boom day ret-set-set Ah say paw say oh Boom dah, boom dah,boom dah, boom dah 3. The Birch Tree【俄罗斯】 See the lovely birch in the meadow Curly leaves all dancing when the wind blows Loo, lee loo, when the wind blows Loo, lee loo, when the wind blows 4. Put Your Little Foot 【华尔兹】 Put your little foot, Put your little foot Put your little foot right there Put your little foot, Put your little foot Put your little foot right there walk and walk and walk and turn *3 5. One Two Buckle My Shoe One, two, buckle my shoe Three, four, shut the door Five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight, lay them straight Nine, ten, a big fat hen! Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe have it done by half past two Toora, loo ra loo Half past two is much too late Have it done by half past eight Toora, loo ra loo One, two, buckle my shoe Three, four, shut the door Five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight, lay them straight Nine, ten, a big fat hen! 6. Bay Nap 三部曲 【匈牙利儿歌】 Candle burning bright Shining through the night Starting taller, getting smaller Telling us goodnight 宝宝睡觉的小儿歌 Here is a baby, ready for a nap Lay her down in her mama’ lap Cover her up so she won’t peep Rock her ‘til she’s fast asleep Shhhhh… 【斯洛伐克摇篮曲】 Dew drops are falling from the sky Drowsy and sleepy, close your eyes Drowsy and sleepy, go to sleep my baby Dream of the dewdrops falling from the sky 7. A, A, A, Kot Ki Dwa【波兰】 A, a, a, kot ki dwa Szarobure obydwa Nic nie beda robily Ino dziecko bawily Meow, meow, meow