

2017-03-14    03'51''

主播: 栀冷

160 4

Animals - Maroon 5 Baby I'm preying on you tonight 宝贝 今晚等着被我捕猎 Hunt you down eat you alive 捕获你的真心 吞噬你的生命 Just like animals Animals Like animals Maybe you think that you can hide 或许你认为自己能躲避我的追缉 I can smell your scent for miles 但我能从几里外 嗅出你的气味 Just like animals Animals Like animals Baby I'm 宝贝 我 So what you trying to do to me 所以你会拿我怎么办 It's like we can't stop we're enemies 现在 猎食游戏无法中止 But we get along when I'm inside you 我们互为敌人 You're like a drug that's killing me 你就像毒品 一点一滴吞噬残害我 I cut you out entirely 我要彻底的戒掉你 But I get so high when I'm inside you 但我们亲热时 感觉又是如此兴奋 Yeah you can start over you can run free 你可以重头开始 可以奔向自由 You can find other fish in the sea 你能在汪汪大海中 重寻另一条鱼 You can pretend it's meant to be 你可以装作我们是命中注定分离 But you can't stay away from me 但你无法避我于千里之外 I can still hear you making that sound 我依旧能听问那些声响 Taking me down rolling on the ground 你撕裂我之声 蠕动于地面之声 You can pretend that it was me 你能继续假装 假装你身边男人是我 But no 但事实不然 Baby I'm preying on you tonight 宝贝 今晚等着被我捕猎 Hunt you down eat you alive 捕获你的真心 吞噬你的生命 Just like animalss Animals Like animals