

2019-07-02    05'21''

主播: 玲子🔔

206 4

【沙漠,我所见过的另一种大海】 Desert - a different sea to me 作者|付志勇 翻译|介未(英国) 诵读|玲子(英国) 我曾看见无数的沙粒随风涌动 它们像金色的波浪一样层层叠叠一望无际 我也曾看见狂暴的大风转瞬间带走一座沙丘 像从大海中轻易取走一颗水珠 那些行走在沙漠中逶迤的驼队 多像飘摇在大海中的小舟 那些生长在沙漠中的绿洲 仿佛是大海中孤独的小岛 八月当我站在高高的沙丘顶上向远处眺望 我惊诧地发现沙漠原来是另一种大海 动的时候它惊涛骇浪波涛汹涌 静的时候它波光流动宛若处子 更多的时候它就在我的心里 每当夜深人静便有沙浪翻滚惊涛拍过海岸 I once saw endless grains of sand, dancing with a gust Like golden waves, layer upon layer, deep and wide. I saw a sand dune, lifted by a stormy blast Like a drop of water from the sea, in a shift of tide. A camel train trekking in a desert, curvy and slow Like a boat in an ocean, drifting and blown. An oasis in desert where plants grow Like an islet in the sea, solid but alone. As I stood atop the sand dune on an August day, It surprised me to find a different sea under the sky: Shining with waves as they did quietly stay, But rolling and roaring on the move, ever so high. But deep into the night, it’s right in my heart ever more, As the sandy waves roll and hug the shore.