“当你写PPT时,阿拉斯加的鳕鱼正在跃出水面; 当你研究报表时,白马雪山的金丝猴刚好爬上树尖; 当你挤进地铁时,西藏的山鹰一直盘旋云端; 当你在会议中吵架时,尼泊尔的背包客正在火堆旁端起酒杯… 有一些高跟鞋走不到的路,有一些喷着香水闻不到的空气,有一些在写字楼里永远遇不见的人
Leaving Work to Watch the Sunset
I believe in leaving work at five o &`& clock.
In a nation that operates on a staunch Protestant work ethic, this belief could be considered radical. Working only 40 hours a week? I just do not know many people who punch out at five o &`& clock anymore. It seems downright quaint, like pocket watches and shoe-shines.
My father tried to teach me the importance of hard work, long hours and dedication to a career. But then there are the things he taught me unintentionally, like when he arrived home from work for the last time and crawled up the stairs.
My father, a self-employed sales trainer, was that sick, that tired. His body was wracked with liver cancer, and he suffered the effects of a diabetic ulcer. Still, he insisted on traveling to honor his commitment to give a seminar. He probably earned a lot of money that day, and he paid the price: He returned to the hospital soon after and was dead within three months, at age 58.
It is been 10 years since I saw my father come home that night, and since then, I have thought a lot about work. I have decided something: I will never crawl up the stairs. As much as I love my job as a newspaper reporter, I will never work myself into the ground, literally or figuratively.
The idea of leaving work at work did not come easily to me. After all, I am my father &`& s daughter. In college, I was not going to keg parties in a frat basement; I was the girl who lingered on the library steps each morning, waiting for the doors to open. I even dreamed about schoolwork.
My dad once told me he was unable to just gaze at a sunset; he had to be doing something as he looked at it . writing, reading, playing chess. You could say he was a success: He was a published author, an accomplished musician, fluent in German and American Sign Language. That is an impressive list, but here is the thing: I want to gaze at sunsets. I do not want to meet a deadline during them or be writing a column at the same time, or glance at them over the top of a book.
This raises the question: If I leave work at five o &`& clock to watch the sunset, what are the consequences? Do I risk not reaching the top of my profession? Maybe, because honestly, knocking off after eight hours probably won &`& t earn me the corner office or the lucrative promotion.
But hey, leaving work at five o &`& clock means I eat dinner with my family. I get to hop on my bike and pedal through the streets of my hometown as the shadows lengthen and the traffic thins.
And I get to take in a lot of sunsets. That is got to be worth something.