Pinocchio-Chapter Two

Pinocchio-Chapter Two

2019-07-31    03'27''

主播: YTZWCandy

167 2

Chapter Two Growing Nose Pinocchio is going to school. Look! There is a fox and a cat. “Let’s go to the puppet show! It is very funny,”they say. “OK.Let’s go,”says Pinocchio. Pinocchio goes to the puppet show. The puppet master sees Pinocchio . He is a bad man. “Oh, that puppet moves and speaks. People will pay money to see him,”He says. He puts Pinocchio in a room. “Stay here! I will put you in the show.” He locks Pinocchio in the room. Pinocchio is very sad. Then the Blue Fairy appears. “ Pinocchio ,why are you here?”she asks. “ I wanted to go to school. But the fox and the cat took me here,” lies Pinocchio. Oops! Pinocchio’s nose is growing. It grows bigger and bigger! “Pinocchio, you are lying.So your nose is growing,” says the Blue Fairy. “Sorry,”says Pinocchio,“I will not lie again.” “Good!” The Blue Fairy calls some woodpeckers. They peck Pinocchio’s nose. “Now your nose is small again. And you are free.” nose /nəʊz /鼻子 fox /fɒks/ 狐狸 cat /kæt/ 猫 show /ʃəʊ/ 表演,演出 fun‧ny /ˈfʌni/ 有趣的,好玩的 wood‧peck‧er /ˈwʊdˌpekə / 啄木鸟