Snow White-Chapter 01

Snow White-Chapter 01

2019-08-12    03'33''

主播: YTZWCandy

180 0

Chapter One A Beautiful Princess There lives a beautiful princess. Her hair is as black as ebony. Her lips are as red as blood. Her skin is as white as snow. So she is called Snow White. One day her mother gets very sick and dies. Snow White has a stepmother. The stepmother is beautiful. And she is very proud of it. She has a magic mirror. One day she asks the mirror. “Mirror,mirror, on the wall, Who is the most beautiful of all?” The mirror answers. “You are beautiful,my Queen. But Snow White is more beautiful.” The Queen hates Snow White. She says to a hunter, “Kill Snow White!” The hunter takes Snow White into the forest. But he can’t kill her. “Run away, Princess!”he says. Snow White runs and runs. Oh,poor princess! She is lost in the forest. Then she sees a small house. She goes into the house. There are seven small chairs. There are seven small cups on the table. There are seven small beds too. She is very tired. She falls asleep on a small bed. eb‧o‧ny /ˈebəni/ 乌木 lip /lɪp/ 嘴唇 step‧moth‧er /ˈstepmʌðə / 继母 mir‧ror /ˈmɪrə/ 镜子 queen /kwiːn/ 王后