Snow White-Chapter 04(End)

Snow White-Chapter 04(End)

2019-08-16    03'28''

主播: YTZWCandy

143 1

Chapter Four At the Wedding One day a prince rides into the forest. He sees Snow White in the glass box. He sees the dwarfs around the glass box,too. The Prince says to the dwarfs, “I am a prince. She is very beautiful. I want to take her with me. I love her.” “OK.Take her with you,”say the dwarfs. The Prince’s men carry the glass box. But one of them trips over a tree. The glass box falls.Then the piece of apple comes out of Snow White’s mouth! “Where am I? Who are you?”asks Snow White. “ I am a prince,”says the Prince. “ I love you. Will you be my wife?” It is the Prince and Snow White’s wedding day. The Queen asks the mirror, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who is the most beautiful of all?” “The Prince’s bride is the most beautiful,”answers the mirror. The Queen is very angry. “Who is the Prince’s bride?” she shouts. She goes to the wedding. There she sees Snow White! She can’t believe her eyes. “I did bad things to Snow White. The Prince will not forgive me,”she says. She is very afraid. She runs away. And no one sees her again. wed‧ding /ˈwedɪŋ/婚礼 prince /prɪns/ 王子 bride /braɪd/新娘 for‧give /fəˈɡɪv / 原谅 a‧fraid /əˈfreɪd/害怕的