Robin Hood-Chapter 01

Robin Hood-Chapter 01

2019-08-25    04'16''

主播: YTZWCandy

158 1

Chapter One Robin Hood, the Outlaw Robin Hood is a hero. Robin Hood is not his real name. His real name is Robert. Robert is the son of the Earl. Robert and his father are good noblemen. They are very loyal to King Richard. King Richard is away for a war. So his brother John becomes the king. King John is cruel and greedy. The poor people pay much money to King John and his Sheriffs. King John hates Robert and his father because they are loyal to King Richard. One day Robert is away hunting. Then the Sheriff of Nottingham kills Robert’s father. The Sheriff takes away his land and money. Now the Sheriff is looking for Robert. Robert’s servants go to him. “The Sheriff of Nottingham killed your father. He wants to catch you!” they say. “What? I will never be loyal to King John. I will hide in the forest. Friends, will you come with me?”asks Robert. Robert’s servants follow him to Sherwood Forest. Now they are outlaws. Robert changes his name to Robin Hood. His friends call themselves the Merry Men. They always wear green clothes. Robin and the Merry Men take money from the rich people. Then they give the money to the poor people. Many people hear about Robin and the Merry Men. Soon Robin and the Merry Men become famous. Many people respect them. And some people want to join them. out‧law /ˈaʊtlɔː / 绿林大盗 he‧ro /ˈhɪərəʊ/英雄 loy‧al /ˈlɔɪəl/ 忠诚的 cru‧el /ˈkruːəl/ 残忍的 greed‧y /ˈɡriːdi/ 贪婪的 for‧est /ˈfɒrɪst / 森林 look for /lʊk fɔː / 寻找 rich /rɪtʃ/ 有钱的 fa‧mous /ˈfeɪməs/出名的 re‧spect /rɪˈspekt/ 敬佩