Robin Hood-Chapter 02

Robin Hood-Chapter 02

2019-08-25    03'00''

主播: YTZWCandy

190 1

Chapter Two The Fight on the Bridge Robin Hood is crossing a bridge. “I want to cross first!” Robin hears a loud voice. He sees a very tall man. The man is holding a staff. “No, I’m first. If you want to cross first, you have to push me off the bridge!” says Robin. Robin cuts a long branch and he makes a staff. Robin and the man fight! Robin is fast and light. But the man is better. He is very strong. Finally he pushes Robin into the water! “Ha-ha!”The man holds out a hand to Robin. But Robin pulls him into the water! They look at each other and they laugh loudly. “What’s your name?”asks Robin. “I’m John Little. I’m running away from King John. I’m looking for Robin Hood,” says John Little. “Welcome to Sherwood Forest. I’m Robin Hood. Now you’re one of the Merry Men,” says Robin. Robin takes John Little to the Merry Men. “John Little, your name doesn’t match you. You are very tall and strong. I want to call you Little John,” laughs Robin. He and Little John become good friends. fight /faɪt/ 斗争,打架 bridge /brɪdʒ/桥 first /fɜːst /第一,优先 loud /laʊd/ 响亮的 voice /vɔɪs/ 声音 tall /tɔːl / 高的 light /laɪt/ 轻盈的 strong /strɒŋ /强壮的 hold out /həʊld aʊt / 伸出 run away /rʌn əˈweɪ/ 逃走
上一期: Robin Hood-Chapter 01
下一期: Robin Hood-Chapter 03