Hansel and Gretel-Chapter 03

Hansel and Gretel-Chapter 03

2019-09-02    04'38''

主播: YTZWCandy

149 2

Chapter Three Locked in the Witch’s House The hungry children walk for three days. Then they see a beautiful bird. The bird leads them to a small house. Wow! The house is made of bread and cakes. The windows are made of sugar. “Wonderful!” Hansel eats some of the house. Gretel eats some of the window. Suddenly an old woman comes out of the house. “Who is eating my house?”she shouts. “Sorry. We are very hungry!”say the children. “Oh, poor children! Come into my house.” She gives Hansel and Gretel some food. The children eat the food and they fall asleep. The old woman is a wicked witch. She likes to eat children. “Ha-ha! I will fatten them up and eat them.” Next morning the witch locks Hansel in a cage. She wakes Gretel. “Make some food for your brother. When he is fat, I will eat him!”she says. Every day Gretel cooks food for Hansel. Every day the wicked witch says, “Hansel, stretch out you finger. Let me feel your finger. When you are fat, I will eat you!” But the witch is blind. Hansel knows that. Every day he gives her a thin chicken bone. The witch waited for a month. “Hansel is still thin. I can’t wait!”says the witch. “Tomorrow I will cook Hansel.” Gretel is very afraid. She cries and cries. “Shut up,or I will eat you, too!”shouts the witch. witch /wɪtʃ/ 女巫 win‧dow /ˈwɪndəʊ/ 窗户 sug‧ar /ˈʃʊɡə/ 糖 won‧der‧ful /ˈwʌndəfəl/ 极好的 shout /ʃaʊt/ 叫喊 wick‧ed /ˈwɪkɪd/ 邪恶的 fat /fæt/ 胖的 fat‧ten /ˈfætn/ 喂肥 thin /θɪn/ 瘦的,细的 blind /blaɪnd/ 瞎的 shut up /ʃʌt ʌp/ 闭嘴