Hansel and Gretel-Chapter 04(End)

Hansel and Gretel-Chapter 04(End)

2019-09-05    04'07''

主播: YTZWCandy

175 2

Chapter Four Escape from the Witch’s House Next morning the witch heats a big pot. She heats an oven,too. She will cook Gretel in the oven. “Gretel , look into the oven. Is it heated?”asks the witch. But Gretel knows the witch’s plan. She has an idea! “I don’t know. How can I do it?”she says. “Oh, silly girl!” The witch looks into the oven. Then Gretel pushes her into the oven. Gretel runs to the cage and opens it. “The wicked witch is dead!”she shouts. Hansel and Gretel are very happy. They find some jewels and money in the witch’s house. “Let’s take them with us,”says Hansel. The children come out of the house. They walk down the path. Soon they come to a wide river. But there is no boat. They see a duck in the river. “Little Duck, will you take us across the river?”they ask. The duck takes them across the river one by one. Hansel and Gretel arrive at their home. “Oh, Hansel and Gretel, you’re back,”says their father.“Your stepmother is dead.” The children give their father jewels and money Now they are not poor anymore. Hansel, Gretel and their father live happily ever after. es‧cape /ɪˈskeɪp/ 逃跑,逃走 sil‧ly /ˈsɪli/ 笨的 i‧dea /aɪˈdɪə/ 主意 jew‧el /ˈdʒuːəl/ 珠宝 wide /waɪd/ 宽的 riv‧er /ˈrɪvə/ 河 boat /bəʊt/ 船 a‧cross /əˈkrɒs/ 穿过