Peter Pan-Chapter 04(End )

Peter Pan-Chapter 04(End )

2019-09-16    04'21''

主播: YTZWCandy

148 3

Chapter Four The Victory&Going Home On the pirate ship, the children walk the plank. The crocodile sits at the end of the plank. “I am scared,”cries John. “Don’t worry. Peter will save us,”whispers Wendy. At that time Peter jumps up from behind the crocodile. The crocodile falls into the sea. “P....Peter Pan! Are you alive?”shouts Captain Hook. “Of course.” Peter cuts the children’s ropes. The children fight the Pirates. Soon the Pirates run away. Peter fights Hook. Finally Hook falls into the crocodile’s mouth. “Hooray! Hooray!” All the children shout. They sing and dance. However, Wendy says, “I love all of you, but I want to go home.” “I miss Mommy,”say John and Michael. Peter is sad, but he says, “OK. Let’s go to London. The Lost Boys can go with you.” Mrs. Darling is very happy. She says, “Welcome, Lost Boys. Now we are one big family.” The Lost Boys are very happy to hear that, too. “Peter, live here with us,”says Wendy. “No, I will always live in Neverland,”says Peter. Then Peter Pan and Tinker Bell fly out the window. Mrs. Darling and the children watch them until they are as small as stars. vic‧to‧ry /ˈvɪktəri/ 胜利,战胜 plank /plæŋk/ 木板,跳板 scared /skeəd/ 害怕的 whis‧per /ˈwɪspə / 小声说 be‧hind /bɪˈhaɪnd/ 在......后面 mouth /maʊθ/ 嘴,口 how‧ev‧er /haʊˈevə / 然而,不过 miss /mɪs/ 怀念,想念 welcome /ˈwelkəm/ 欢迎 watch /wɒtʃ / 看,注视