Alice in Wonderland-Chapter 02

Alice in Wonderland-Chapter 02

2019-10-10    06'57''

主播: YTZWCandy

176 1

Chapter Two A Mad Tea Party Alice saw a large table under a tree. The March Hare and the Hatter were having tea. They were resting their elbows on a Dormouse,a large brown mouse. The Dormouse was quietly sleeping between them. Alice came near their table. “There’s no room!”cried the March Hare and the Hatter. “There’s plenty of room!” Alice said and joined them anyway. The Hatter took out his watch and looked at it. “What day is it?”he asked Alice. “Wednesday, I think,”she said. “Oh, my watch says Monday,”sighed the Hatter. “It’s a strange watch! It tells you the day,but it doesn’t tell you the time,”said Alice. “So?Does your watch tell you the year?”asked the Hatter. “No,”Alice answered, “but it’s the same year for a very long time.” “And my watch doesn’t tell the time because it’s always tea-time,”said the Hatter. “I don’t really understand,”said Alice to herself. The March Hare and the Hatter were getting bored. “Dormouse, tell us a story!”they woke him up. “Once upon a time, there were three sisters. Their names were Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie. They were learning to draw,”said the Dormouse. “What did they draw?”asked Alice. The Dormouse was getting sleepy. “They drew things beginning with the letter M.Like mousetraps, the moon and muchness,” the Dormouse said and fell asleep. “What is muchness?”Alice asked but nobody answered. “This is a stupid tea party,”Alice looked angry. Finally, she got up and walked away. Alice looked back,hoping the March Hare and the Hatter would call after her. But they didn’t say anything. They were trying to put the Dormouse into the teapot! Alice saw a big tree with a door in it. “That’s strange,”she said,“I’ll go into the tree.” The door in the tree led her to the long hallway again. She picked up the little golden key. She found the small door and unlocked it. “I can go into the garden now!”shouted Alice. Finally, she was in the beautiful garden. It was full of beautiful flowers and nice fountains. mad /mæd/ 疯狂的 march /mɑːtʃ / 三月 hare/heə/ 兔子 hat‧ter /ˈhætə/ 帽匠 el‧bow /ˈelbəʊ/ 手肘 dor‧mouse /ˈdɔːmaʊs / 睡鼠 Wednes‧day /ˈwenzdeɪ/ 星期三 Mon‧day /ˈmʌndeɪ/ 星期一 sigh /saɪ/ 叹气 stu‧pid/ˈstjuːpɪd/ 愚蠢的 foun‧tain /ˈfaʊntn/ 喷泉