Alice in Wonderland-Chapter 04(End)

Alice in Wonderland-Chapter 04(End)

2019-10-18    08'22''

主播: YTZWCandy

176 1

Chapter Four Alice’s Evidence “Oops!”Alice said as she tipped over the jury box with her skirt. She was big now. All the jury fell out. Alice put them back in their box. “What do you know about these tarts?”asked the King. “Nothing,”said Alice. “That’s very important,”said the King. The White Rabbit said to the jury, “The King means, unimportant.” The jury was confused. They wrote down both words: important,unimportant. The King looked at Alice carefully and said, “Rule forty-two, all people over a mile high must leave the court.” “I’m not a mile high,”said Alice. “You’re almost two miles high,”said the Queen. “Anyway, I’m not leaving. You made that rule just now,”said Alice. “That’s the oldest rule in the book,”said the King. “Then it should be Rule Number One,”answered Alice. The King’s face went white, But he let Alice stay. “Oh,we’ve just found this letter!” said the White Rabbit,jumping up in a great hurry. “What’s in the letter?”asked the King. “I haven’t opened it yet,”said the White Rabbit. “Maybe the Knave wrote it,”said the Queen. “No, I didn’t. There’s no name signed,”cried the Knave. “Didn’t you? It only makes the matter worse. You did a bad thing or you’d have signed your name like an honest man,”said the King. “Read it to us,”said the Queen. Then the White Rabbit read it from the beginning to the end. That was just a poem,but the King said, “That’s a very important piece of evidence. Now the jury must...” “No,no.It doesn’t mean anything,”Alice said to the jury. The jury was quite confused,but they continued writing. “Now the jury must decide who the thief is,”said the King. “No!Off with the Knave’s head! The jury can say what it thinks later,”cried the Queen. “How foolish she is!The jury must decide first. You can’t do that!”said Alice loudly. “Be quiet!”said the Queen turning red. “I won’t be quiet!”said Alice. “Off with her head!”shouted the Queen. “It doesn’t matter what you say. You’re only a pack of cards!”Alice shouted back. Suddenly, the whole pack of cards rose up. They came flying down upon Alice. She tried to beat them off. “Ahhh!” Alice found herself with her head in her sister’s lap. “Wake up,Alice. You’ve had such a long nap!” said her sister. “I had a very strange dream,”said Alice. "Let's go home.We will have some tea,"said her sister. Alice was thinking about her adventures in Wonderland: the White Rabbit hurrying by, the frightened Mouse splashing in the water, the strange birds by the pool of tears, the Hatter and the March Hare’s mad tea party, the angry Queen, And the not-very-smart King. It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon in summer. ev‧i‧dence /ˈevɪdəns/ 证据,证词 skirt/skɜːt/ 裙子 sign /saɪn/ 签名 hon‧est /ˈɒnɪst / 诚实的 de‧cide /dɪˈsaɪd/ 决定 thief /θiːf/ 小偷 lap /læp/ (坐时的)大腿前部 nap /næp/ 小睡,午睡 tip over/tɪp ˈəʊvə / 掀翻 jury box /ˈdʒʊəri bɒks / 陪审席