小雅之声 - Bed Time Mother Goose

小雅之声 - Bed Time Mother Goose

2015-11-19    10'04''

主播: 小红帽小雅

604 40

逐字逐句教你读/唱英文绘本和童谣!更多精彩尽在微信公众平台“小雅之声”! Little Jack Horner. Sat in a corner, Eating a Christmas pie. He put in his thumb, And pulled out a plum, And said… What a good boy am I! That&`&s enough Mother Goose for tonight. It’s time to go to sleep, my little Huckle. Sweet dreams. But I don’t want to go to sleep without Lowly. Can we look for him some more? I’m sure Lowly is around here somewhere, Huckle. I’ll find him later, But right now, it’s time for you to go to sleep. Just one more song, please? Okay, just one more. Star light, star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I many, I wish I might. Have this wish I wish tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might. Have this wish I wish tonight. I wish I could find Lowly… I wish I could find Lowly…
下一期: 小雅之声 - Every Breath You Take