成语 身体不舒服

成语 身体不舒服

2025-03-07    01'33''


82 1

Good morning! There's the idiom "under the weather". It means a person is slightly ill or not feeling well. For example, I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, so I think I'll stay home and rest. Now, imagine your friend tells you they don't feel like going out because they have a headache and a slight fever. What idiom can you use to describe how they're feeling? 早上好!有一个成语叫“身体不适”,意思是人有点生病或不舒服。 例如,我今天感觉有点不舒服,所以我想我会呆在家里休息。 现在,想象一下你的朋友告诉你,他们不想出去,因为他们头痛并且有点发烧。你能用一个成语来描述他们的感受吗?
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