

2016-03-17    02'46''

主播: 英文绘本故事歌曲歌谣

271 9

n an old house in Paris that was covered with vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines. 巴黎有栋老房子, 是一栋爬满葡萄藤的老房子, 里面住着十二个女孩,她们总是排成两排。 In two straight lines they broke their bread and brushed their teeth and went to bed. 他们排成两排把面包撕成小块吃, 然后刷牙, 睡觉。 They smiled at the good and frowned at the bad and sometimes they were very sad. 他们开心的时候会笑, 不高兴的时候会皱眉, 有的时候他们也会特别难过。 They left the house at half past nine in two straight lines   in rain or shine-- The smallest one was Madeline. She was not afraid of mice-- she loved winter, snow, and ice. 每天早上九点半的时候, 她们排成两排出去。 不论雨天还是晴天, 他们中最小的那一个就是玛德琳, 她不怕老鼠, 她喜欢冬天、雪还有冰。 To the tiger in the zoo Madeline just said, "Pooh-pooh," and nobody knew so well how to frighten Miss Clavel. 对动物园的老虎, 玛德琳敢说:“噗~噗!”, 她最知道怎么让克拉菲老师吓倒。 In the middle of one night Miss Clavel turned on her light and said, "Something is not right!" 一天半夜, 克拉薇老师打开灯, 说道:“好像有什么不对劲儿。” Little Madeline sat in bed, cried and cried; her eyes were red. 小玛德琳坐在床上, 哇哇大哭,哭得眼睛都红了。 And soon after Dr. Cohn came, he rushed out to the phone and he dialed: DANton-ten-six-- "Nurse," he said, "it's an appendix!" 很快,科恩医生来了。 他赶忙去打电话,拨通了“DANton-10-6-”, “护士,”他说,“是阑尾炎!” Everybody had to cry-- not a single eye was dry. 每个人都哭了, 没有一个人的眼睛是干的。 Madeline was in his arms in a blanket safe and warm. 玛德琳裹着毯子躺在科恩医生的臂弯里, 又安全又温暖。 In a car with a red light they drove out into the night. 车子闪着红灯, 驶向夜幕中。 Madeline woke up two hours later,  in a room with flowers. 两个小时以后,玛德琳醒来了, 在一个插满了鲜花的病房里。 Madeline soon ate and drank. On her bed there was a crank, and a crank on the ceiling had the habit of sometimes looking like a rabbit. 很快,她就又能吃又能喝了。 在她的床上有个升降的手柄, 印在天花板上, 有时候看上去就像是个兔子。 Outside were birds, trees, and sky-- and so ten days passed quickly by. 外面有树、小鸟还有天空。 就这样,十天很快就过去了。 One nice morning Miss Clavel said-- "Isn't this a fine-- day to visit Madeline." 一个美好的早晨,克拉薇老师说, "这难道不是一个 探望玛德琳的好日子吗!” VISITORS FROM TWO TO FOUR read a sign outside her door. 病房的门上贴着 “访客时间2点到4点”的标识。 Tiptoeing with solemn face, with some flowers and a vase, 女孩们拿着花儿和花瓶垫着脚, 小心翼翼地走了进来。 in they walked and then said, "Ahhh," when they saw the toys and candy and the dollhouse from Papa. 当他们看见玩具和糖果, 还有爸爸送的玩偶之家时, 都“哇——”地叫了起来。 But the biggest surprise by far-- on her stomach was a scar! 但是,最让他们感到吃惊的是, 玛德琳的肚子上 有一个伤疤! "Good-by," they said, "we'll come again," and the little girls left in the rain. “再见,”他们说,“我们还会再来的!” 说完,女孩们就在雨中离开了。 (good-by  n. [美国英语] =goodbye, good-bye) They went home and broke their bread brushed their teeth and went to bed. 他们回了家,把面包撕成小块吃, 然后刷了牙, 就去睡觉了。 In the middle of the night Miss Clavel turned on the light and said,"Something is not right!" 半夜的时候, 克拉薇老师打开灯, 自言自语道;“好像有什么不对劲儿。” And afraid of a disaster Miss Clavel ran fast and fast, and she said,"Please children do-- tell me what is troubling you?" 她很害怕会发生什么大事。 克拉薇老师跑得越来越快, 她跑到女孩那里, 问:“孩子们,快告诉我, 你们都怎么了?” And all the little girls cried, "Boohoo, we want to have our appendix out, too!" 然后,所有女孩们都“呜呜”地哭着说, “我们也想得阑尾炎。” "Good night, little girls! Thank the lord you are well! And now go to sleep!" said Miss Clavel. And she turned out the light-- and closed the door-- and that's all there is-- there isn't any more. “晚安,女孩们! 感谢上帝,你们都好好的。 好了,现在都去睡觉吧!" 克拉薇老师说。 接着,她熄了灯,关上了门, 就是这样。 结束了。