英文歌曲 之小白鸭

英文歌曲 之小白鸭

2016-04-18    02'16''

主播: 英文绘本故事歌曲歌谣

268 12

here's a little white duck, sitting in the water A little white duck, doing what he oughter He took a bite of a lily pad Flapped his wings and he said, "I'm glad I'm a little white duck sitting in the water Quack, quack, quack." 有一只小白鸭,坐在水里, 他正做着他该做的事情。 他咬了一口睡莲叶子, 拍了拍翅膀,说:“好开心啊! 我是一只水里的小白鸭子, 嘎,嘎,嘎。” There's a little green frog swimming in the water A little green frog, doing what he oughter He jumped right off of the lily pad That the little duck bit and he said, "I'm glad I'm a little green frog swimming in the water Glump glug, glump glug, glump glug glug." 有一只小青蛙在水里游泳, 他正做着他应该做的事。 他从睡莲叶子上跳下来, 恰好就是那只小鸭子咬了一口的莲叶,他说:“好开心啊! 我是一只在水里游泳的小青蛙, 咕呱,咕呱,咕呱呱。” There's a little black bug floating on the water A little black bug doing what he oughter He tickled the frog on the lily pad That the little duck bit and he said, "I'm glad I'm a little black bug floating on the water Chirp bzz, chirp bzz, chirp bzz bzz." 有一只小黑虫浮在水面上, 他正做着他该做的事情。 他挠了挠莲叶上的小青蛙, 就是那个被小鸭子咬了一口的莲叶,他说:“好开心啊! 我是一只浮在水面上的小黑虫, 唧唧,嗡嗡,唧唧。” There's a little red snake playing in the water A little red snake doing what he oughter He frightened the duck and the frog so bad He ate the little bug and he said, "I'm glad I'm a little red snake playing in the water Wriggle hiss, wriggle hiss, wriggle hiss hiss." 有一只红色的小蛇在水里玩耍, 他在做他该做的事情。 他把小鸭子和小青蛙吓了一跳, 还吃了小黑虫,然后他说:“好开心啊! 我是一只在水里玩耍的小红蛇, 嘶,嘶,嘶。” Now there's nobody left sitting in the water Nobody left doing what they oughter There's nothing left but the lily pad "The duck and the frog ran away, I'm sad Cause there's nobody left sitting in the water Boo! Hoo, Hoo..." 现在水里谁都不在了, 没有人留下来去做他们该做的事情了。 只剩下莲叶, “小鸭子和小青蛙都走了,我很难过。 因为大家都不在水里了。 噗,呜,呜。”
上一期: 英文故事之 一个亲亲
下一期: just like fire