Mr. Piggott lived with his two sons, Simon and Patrick, in a nice house with a nice garden, and a nice car in the nice garage. Inside the house was his wife.
"Hurry up with the breakfast, dear," he called every morning before he went off to his very important job.
"Hurry up with the breakfast, Mom," Simon and Patrick called before they went off to their very important school.
After they left the house, Mrs. Piggott washed all the breakfast things, made all the beds, vacuumed all the carpets, and then went to work.
"Hurry up with the meal, Mom," the boys called every evening when they came home from their very important school.
"Hurry up with the meal, old girl," Mr. Piggott called every evening when he came home from his very important job.
As soon as they had eaten, Mrs.Piggott washed the dishes, washed the clothes, did the ironing. And then cooked some more.
One evening when the boys got home from school, There was no one to greet them. "Where is Mom?" demanded Mr. Piggott when he got home from work.
She was nowhere to be found. On the mantel piece was an envelope. Mr. Piggott opened it. Inside was a piece of paper. “You are pigs.”
"But what shall we do?", said Mr.Piggott. They had to make their own meal. It took hours. And it was horrible.
Next morning they had to make their own breakfast. It took hours. And it was horrible.
The next day and the next night and the day after that, Mrs. Piggott was still not there.
Mr. Piggott, Simon, and Patrick tried to look after themselves. They never washed the dishes. They never washed their clothes. Soon their house was like a pigsty. "When is Mom coming home?" the boys squealed after another horrible meal. "How should I know?" Mr. Piggott grunted. They all became more and more grumpy.
皮戈特先生,西蒙和帕特里克只能自己照顾自己了。他们从不洗碗,也不洗衣服。他们的房子就跟猪窝似的。又吃了难以下咽的一餐后,孩子们哼哼叽叽地尖叫:“妈妈什么时候回来呀?” “我怎么知道?”皮戈特先生发出低沉的哼哧哼哧声。他们全都变得越来越暴躁。
One night there was nothing in the house for them to cook. "We'll just have to root around and find some scraps." snorted Mr. Piggott. And just then Mrs. Piggott walked in!
"P-L-E-A-S-E Come back," They snuffled. So Mrs. Piggott stayed.
“求-求-你,回来吧!” 他们从鼻子里发出哀求的哼哼声。于是,皮戈特太太留下来了。
Mr. Piggott washed the dishes. Patrick and Simon made the beds. Mr. Piggott did the ironing.
And they all helped with the cooking. They actually enjoyed it.
Mom was happy too. She mended the car.