

2016-08-15    05'11''

主播: 英文绘本故事歌曲歌谣

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One day Goldilocks was walking in the forest. She saw a house and knocked on the door. She went inside. Nobody was there. 有一天,金凤花姑娘到森林里散步。她看见了一幢房子,便上前敲门。走进去一看,一个人也没有。 Goldilocks saw three bowls on the table: a big bowl, a medium sized bowl, and a tiny bowl. Inside the bowls was hot cereal called porridge. She was hungry. 金凤花姑娘看到有三只碗摆在桌子上:一个大碗,一个中等大小的碗,还有一个小碗。碗里盛着热乎乎的粥。金凤花姑娘感觉有点饿了。 She took a bite from the big bowl, "This porridge is too hot! Next she took a bite from the middle sized bowl, "ewww...This porridge is too cold!" Last she took a bite from the tiny bowl, "ahhh! This porridge is just right!" Goldilocks ate all the porridge in the tiny bowl. 她吃了一口大碗里的粥, “这粥真是太烫了!”然后她又吃了一口中等大小碗里的,“这粥又有点凉。”最后,她吃了一口小碗里的,“啊,这个粥正正好,不烫也不凉!”金凤花姑娘把小碗里的粥都吃光了。 Goldilocks was tired now. She saw three chairs: a big chair, a medium sized chair, and a tiny chair. Goldilocks decided to sit down. First she sat in the big chair: "Ewww. This chair is too hard!" Next, she sat in the medium sized chair: "Uhh. This chair is too soft!" Last, she sat in the tiny chair, "Ahh! Oh wow, this chair is just right!" She sat down. But the chair broke. 现在,金凤花姑娘有点累了。她看到了三把椅子:一把大椅子,一把中等大小的椅子,还有一把小椅子。金凤花姑娘先看到了那把大椅子:“嗯,这把椅子真是太硬了!接着,她又试了试中等大小的椅子:“嗯,这把椅子又太软了。”最后,她坐在小椅子上:“哇哦,这把椅子正正好,不软也不硬!“她舒服地坐下来,但是椅子却坏了。 Now, Goldilocks was very, very tired. She went upstairs. Upstairs, Goldilocks saw three beds. A big bed, a medium sized bed, and a tiny bed. First she tried the big bed: "Eww. This bed is too hard!" Next, she tried the medium sized bed: "Uh, uh! This bed is too soft!" Last, she tried the tiny bed: "This bed is just right!" Goldilocks fell fast asleep. 金凤花姑娘真是累得不行了。她上了楼,看见了三张床,一张大床,一张中等大小的床,一张小床。首先,她试了试大床:“嗯,这张床真是太硬了。”然后,她又试了试中等大小的床:“嗯,这张床又太软了。”最后,她试了试小床:“真舒服啊,正正好!”金凤花姑娘很快就入睡了。 Soon, the bears came home. Daddy Bear growled: "Someone's been eating my porridge!". "Someone's been eating my porridge!" said Mummy bear. "Someone's been eating my porridge——and it's all gone!" said Baby bear. 很快,三只小熊回家了。他们看到了桌子上的粥。 熊爸爸说:“有人吃了我的粥。” 熊妈妈说:“也有人吃了我的粥。” 熊宝宝说:“有人吃了我的粥,而且全部吃光了!” "Someone's been sitting on my chair!" said Daddy bear. "Someone's been sitting on my chair!" said Mummy bear. "Someone's been sitting on my chair——and it's broken!" said Baby bear. 熊爸爸说:“有人坐了我的椅子!” 熊妈妈说:“有人坐了我的椅子!” 熊宝宝说:“有人坐了我的椅子,而且把它坐坏了!” The three bears walked upstairs. "Someone's been sleeping in my bed!" growled Daddy bear. "Someone's been sleeping in my bed!" said Mummy bear. "Someone's been sleeping in my bed ——and she's still there!" said Baby bear. 三只熊又走上楼。 熊爸爸说:“有人睡了我的床!” 熊妈妈说:“也有人睡了我的床!” 熊宝宝说:“也有人睡了我的床,而且她现在还在睡!” Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. "Help!" She ran downstairs and into the forest. She never came back again. 金凤花姑娘醒了,看见了三只熊。“救命啊!”她赶紧跑下楼,到了森林里去了。后来,她再也没有回来过。