

2016-11-28    02'00''

主播: 英文绘本故事歌曲歌谣

2096 4

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who lived with their mother in a meadow. 从前,有三只小猪和他们的妈妈一起住在草场上。 One day the mother pig said to the three little pigs, "You need to go out into the world and make your own way." 有一天,猪妈妈对三只小猪说:“你们要去外面的世界看看,去自力更生啦!” So they waved "goodbye" and out into the world they went. 他们和妈妈挥手告别,然后去到了外面的世界。 The pigs decided to build houses near the woods. 小猪们决定在森林边建房子。 A big bad wolf lived in the woods. 有一只很坏的大灰狼住在森林边。 He was not happy when he saw the three little pigs building houses nearby. 他看到三只小猪在附近造房子,感到很不开心。 The first little pig was lazy. He made a house of straw. The big bad wolf huffed and puffed and blew it down. 第一只小猪很懒。他用稻草造了一座房子。大灰狼吹啊吹啊,把房子给吹倒了。 The second little pig worked a little harder than the first little pig. He made a house of twigs. The big bad wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down. 第二只小猪比第一只小猪要勤劳一点儿。他用树枝造了一座房子。大灰狼吹啊吹啊,把房子给吹倒了。 The third little pig made a house of bricks.The big bad wolf huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed. 第三只小猪用砖头造了一座房子。大灰狼不停地吹啊吹啊,吹啊吹啊。 But the house did not fall down. This made the big bad wolf very, very angry. 但是房子却没有倒。这让大灰狼非常非常生气。 He went up on the roof and tried to get into the house through the chimney. 他爬到了房顶上,试着从烟囱进入房子里。 He climbed into the chimney and slid down into a pot of boiling water. He ran out of the house and never came back! 他爬进了烟囱,顺着烟囱滑了下去,却坐到了一壶滚烫的开水上。大灰狼立刻跑出了房子,然后再也没有回来过啦!
上一期: 英文歌曲我有两只手