#Miko说#-Visit London第六期-Covent Garden

#Miko说#-Visit London第六期-Covent Garden

2017-06-02    12'39''

主播: Miko^_^

223 16

Covent Garden Covent Garden(考文特花园)is a district(地区)of Westminster(威斯敏斯特). It is associated with the former(之前的) fruit-and-vegetable market in the central square(中央广场), now a popular shopping and tourist site(游览地), and with the Royal Opera House(皇家歌剧院). The district is divided by(被...分开)the main thoroughfare(大街) of Long Acre(长亩街) , north of which is given over to independent(独立的)shops centred on Neal's Yard(尼尔式香氛庭院) and Seven Dials(七面钟), while the south contains the central square with its street performers(街头表演者) and most of the historical buildings, theatres and entertainment facilities(娱乐设施), including the London Transport Museum(伦敦交通博物馆) and the Theater Royal(皇家剧院). The Covent Garden area has long been associated with(与...相联系) entertainment and shopping. Covent Garden has 13 theatres, and over 60 pubs and bars(酒馆,酒吧), with most south of Long Acre, around the main shopping area of the old market. Street performance Street entertainment at Covent Garden was noted(被记录) in Samuel Pepys's diary(塞缪尔•佩皮斯的日记)in May 1662, when he recorded the first mention(提及) of a Punch and Judy show(木偶戏表演) in Britain. There are street performances at Covent Garden Market every day of the year, except Christmas Day. Shows run throughout(自始至终,贯穿)the day and are about 30 minutes in length. Pubs and bars The Covent Garden area has over 60 pubs and bars; several of them are listed buildings. Restaurants There are a wide range of restaurants, mainly in Covent Garden's central area around the piazza(露天市场,走廊). Among the restaurants are the historic eating places, the oldest of which is Rules, which was founded in 1798, making it the oldest restaurant in London. After all, Covent Garden is the paradise(天堂) for shopping, leisure entertainments and cultural activities. Come and visit.