

2020-02-29    15'23''

主播: Miko^_^

382 4

S1E4 What do you want? 你要干嘛? I’ve got a message for Lady Sybil. From her ladyship. 我来给西坡小姐送个信儿。是夫人的信儿。 Thank you, O’Brien. I’ll manage now. 谢谢你奥布瑞恩,我这没事。 Odious woman. What does Mama want? 讨厌的女人。妈妈要我做什么? I just said that to get rid of her. This came today. 我那么说只是想把她支走。这封信是今天来的。 I knew they would want to see you. 我知道他们会想见你。 Well, it’s your reference what’s done it. 还不是亏了您的推荐信吗。 But how am I going to get there? They won’t let me take a day off. 可我要怎么去呀?他们不会准我放一天假的。 You’re going to be ill. They can’t stop you being ill. 就说你病了。他们没辙吧。 What? 什么? No one has seen Anna for a whole day. They won’t notice if you vanish for a couple of hours. 大家一整天都见不到安娜。你就消失几小时他们不会发现的。 The only one who never sticks up for me in all this is you. Why is that? 这次的事,只有你从没有为我撑腰。为什么? You are my darling daughter and I love you. 你是我的宝贝女儿,我爱你。 Hard as it is for an Englishman to say the words. 虽然作为英国人,这话不好出口。 Well, then… 那倒是 If I had made my own fortune and bought Downton for myself, it should be yours without question, but I did not. 如果我自己挣钱,买下唐顿庄园,那自然是留给你的,毫无争议,但不是那样的。 My fortune is the work of others, who labored to build a great dynasty. 我的财产来自先人,他们辛苦耕耘,留下这份家业。 Do I have the right to destroy their work? Or impoverish that dynasty? 我哪有权力毁掉他们创造的一切,或是让这份家业沉沦? I am a custodian, my dear, not an owner. 我只是带其经营,亲爱的,并非拥有者。 I must strive to be worthy of the task I have been set. 我必须肩负起使命。 If I could take your Mama’s money out of the estate, Downton would have to be sold to pay for it. 想要从庄园抽离出你母亲的财产,就得变卖唐顿来偿还。 Is that what you want? 那是你想要的吗? To see Matthew a landless peer with a title but no means to pay for it? 让马修变成个空有头衔却一无所有的贵族吗? So I’m to just find a husband and get out of the way? 那我只是嫁人让道的份吗? You could stay here if you married Matthew. 嫁给马修,你还能留在这。 You know my character, Father. 你知道我性格的爸爸。 I never marry any man that I was told to. 我从不嫁给一个强加给我的男人。 I’m stubborn. I wish I wasn’t, but I am. 我也不想倔强,但我生来如此。