

2020-03-10    12'57''

主播: Miko^_^

440 3

S01E06 I thought you must be out there. 我就猜这你在外面。 And you’d be right. 你猜对了。 I know you’re upset. 我知道你不高兴。 Yes. I’m upset. 确实。 I have been working here two years, and Mr. Carson has no difficulty in believing the worst of me. 我在这里工作两年了,卡森先生却还是轻易地相信我是个坏人。 I think he has a great deal of difficulty, which is why he hasn’t told His Lordship yet. 我认为这对他十分不易,所以他还没有告诉老爷。 Can’t you just explain about Thomas? 你不能告发托马斯吗? Not now. It would sound like a false accusation. 现在不行。听上去会像诬告。 You can’t take it lying down. Because you’re not guilty of any wrong. 你总不能坐以待毙啊。你可从没做过错事。 And before it’s over I’m going to tell the world. 而且我一定及时告诉大家真相的。 Are you? I’m not sure the world is listening. 是吗?人家可未必听。 Sorry. I’m a bit late tonight. 对不起,我今晚有些迟了。 Not to worry. How are you? 没事,你好吗? Bearing up. 还撑得住。 This isn’t the end. You mustn’t give up. We’ll get there. 这件事还没完,你可切勿放弃。我们会做到的。 Forgive me, my lady, but, well, you don’t get it. 对不起小姐,可你不懂。 You’re brought up to think it’s all within your grasp, that if you want something enough, it will come to you. 你从小就觉得机会会与你近在咫尺,只要你真心想要,自会手到擒来。 But we are not like that. We don’t think our dreams are bound to come true because they almost never do. 可我们不是这样的,我们不会觉得我们的梦想必会实现,因为它们极少成真。 Then that’s why we must stick together. Your dream is my dream now. And I’ll make it come true. 正因如此,我们才要团结。你的梦想现在也是我的梦想。我会实现它的。