Clean up songs 陪伴孩子们收拾归位

Clean up songs 陪伴孩子们收拾归位

2016-07-28    08'05''

主播: Shirley-JZ

223 8

让孩子和我们一起分担家务,坚持让孩子负责他力所能及的一两项家务活。自己的玩具和物品的归位整理是我们家的要求,除此之外还有饭厅和厨房的拖地任务是交给Jason的,我相信这可以培养他的责任感,归属感和自信心,还有太多太多的好处。以前Jason在蒙氏园里,每次归位工作教具时,老师会把Clean up song一遍遍的重复当背景音乐给孩子们播放。现在转园了,老师会唱“小玩具要回家了”,这些歌曲都在帮助我们的孩子,告诉他们现在是做什么事情的时间。我在网上搜到了几个版本的Clean up songs,爸爸妈妈可以选择一首自己喜欢的唱给宝贝们听提醒他们收拾玩具,歌词如下: Clean up Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere, Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share. ∰∰∰ Clean up song Clean up, clean up Everybody clean up. Let’s work together Everyone do their share Clean up, clean up Come on now and clean up Everyone everywhere We’re gonna take out the trash We’re gonna pick this place up We’re gonna make it shine Cleaning up is a blast Everybody’s gonna feel so great Because it looks so fine Clean up, clean up Everybody clean up. Let’s work together Everyone do their share Clean up, clean up Come on now and clean up Everyone everywhere Clean up, clean up Everybody clean up. Clean up, clean up Come on now and clean up Clean up, clean up Everybody clean up. YEAH! ∰∰∰ Clean up Clean up, clean up, everybody let’s clean up, Clean up, clean up, put your things away. (*4) Clean up, clean up, clean up, put your things away, Pick up your toys, pick up your books, Pick up your shoes, put your things away. Clean up, clean up, everybody let’s clean up, Clean up, clean up, put your things away. (*2) Clean up Time Clean up time! Clean up time! Put your things away. Pick up the toys. Pick up the books. Put your things away. Yeah! Clean up time! Clean up time! Put your things away. Pick up the crayons. Pick up the blocks. Put your things away.