He has terrible tusks,(獠牙)
and terrible claws,(爪子)
and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws.(下巴)
He's the Gruffalo,
Gruffalo, Gruffalo.
He's the Gruffalo.
He has knobbly knees,(满是疙瘩的膝盖)
and turn-out toes,(突出的超大的脚趾头)
and a poisonous wart (毒瘤)at the end of his nose.
He's the Gruffalo,
Gruffalo, Gruffalo.
He's the Gruffalo.
His eyes are orange.
His tongue is black.
He has purple prickles (紫色的刺)all over his back.
He's the Gruffalo,
Gruffalo, Gruffalo.
He's the Gruffalo.