故事花园-学会说抱歉,不做胆小鬼!Willy the Wimp!

故事花园-学会说抱歉,不做胆小鬼!Willy the Wimp!

2017-03-25    06'37''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

108 1

❀介绍: 辣妈英语秀微信公众号:tinashow727 订阅查看绘本全部高清图片并收听更多栏目! ❀导读:你是否有思考过善良和懦弱的界限是什么,而作为宝爸宝妈的你,是否也思考过如何才能让自己的心肝宝贝不被别人欺负,而他自己也不会变成欺负别人的人。一起走进今天的绘本《Willy the Wimp》,威利用它的行动告诉了我们一个道理,打架不等于勇敢,主动说对不起也并不是懦弱! ❀绘本配文: Willy wouldn’t hurt a fly. 威利很善良,连一只苍蝇都不忍心伤害。 Willy worried about stepping on tiny insects every time he went for a walk. 每次出门散步的时候,威利都生怕自己踩到小虫子。 When someone knocked into him,he always said,"Oh,I’m sorry !" 别人撞到他,威利也总是说:“ 噢,对不起!” Even when it wasn’t his fault. 即使根本不是他的错。 Sometimes when he was out walking, the suburban gorilla gang bullied him. 有时一群郊区的小混混会欺负他。 "Oh, I’m sorry! " said Willy when they hit him. “噢,对不起!”威利一边挨打一边说。 The suburban gorillas called him Willy the Wimp. 小混混们都叫他“胆小鬼威利”。 Willy hated that name. Willy the Wimp! 威利讨厌别人叫他胆小鬼! One evening when Willy was reading his comic,he saw... 一天晚上,威利正在读漫画杂志,他看见一则广告...... 【DONT BE A WIMP! 千万别做胆小鬼! POST THIS NOW! 请立刻寄信过来吧!】 That sounds just the thing for me,thought Willy. “听起来很适合我啊,”威利想。 So he sent some money to the address in the advertisement. 于是,他按照广告上的地址寄了些钱。 He rushed to the door every morning to catch the postman."Oh, I’m sorry!" said Willy when the postman brought nothing for him. 每天早上送信时间一到,威利就冲到门口。如果邮递员没有捎来他的东西 他就会说:“噢,对不起!” But one day a package arrived... 一天,威利收到一个包裹...... This was it! Willy opened it excitedly. 就是它!威利激动地打开。 Inside was a book:it told Willy what to do... 原来是一本书:它告诉威利该怎么做...... First some exercises. 先做一些准备活动。 Then some jogging. 然后慢跑。 Willy had to go on a special diet. 营养大餐必不可少! He went to aerobics classes where everybody danced to disco music. Willy felt a bit silly. 还要参加有氧运动课程。在那里,每个人都跟着迪斯科的音乐跳舞。威利觉得好像有点傻。 He learned how to box. 他学拳击。 And he went to a body-building club. 他还去了健身俱乐部。 Willy took up weight lifting, and gradually over weeks and months Willy got bigger...and bigger... 他开始举重。几个星期过去了,几个月过去了 渐渐地,威利变得强壮......很强壮...... and bigger...AND BIGGER ! 更强壮......非常强壮! Willy looked in the mirror. 威利看着镜子中的自己。 He liked what he saw. 他喜欢他现在的样子。 So when Willy walked down the street and saw the suburban gorillas attacking Millie... 他看见那群郊区的小混混正在欺负米莉...... They ran. 他们落荒而逃。 "Oh...Willy," said Millie. “噢,威利!” "What,Millie?"said Willy. “怎么了,米莉?” "You’re my hero,Willy,"said Millie. “你是我的英雄,威利!” "Oh...Millie,"said Willy. “噢,米莉......” Willy was proud. 威利很骄傲。 "I’m not a wimp!" “我不是胆小鬼!” "A hero." “我是英雄。” BANG! 砰! "Oh,I’m sorry! " said Willy. “噢,对不起!”威利说。